HomeTeam Live’s streaming software provides broadcast-quality video for amateur sports, allowing parents, family, coaches, athletes, fans, and scouts the ability to log in and watch the event from anywhere in the world. They range in partnerships with notable leagues like the Western Canadian Baseball League and League1 BC, to little league baseball in Regina, SK. The co-founders came up with the idea after working in sports marketing for the last 10 years and seeing a lack of quality in streaming for sports leagues.
HomeTeam Live’s brand revolves around nostalgic sporting events and atmosphere. Bright colours and typography were inspired by dot matrix jumbotron displays.
The HomeTeam Live logo was created based off of the default character set of Array. Handmade slab serifs were added to give the mark a collegiate feel.
Array allowed for special uses of dot matrix style fonts throughout the app. It’s used particularly in event scores and special content pieces.
Tenon helps anchor the HomeTeam brand to be approachable, readable, and legible for people using the platform.
The brand is versatile and can be used in many different applications ranging from print to digital.
Numerous challenges were encountered developing HomeTeam Live. From architecting complex backend streaming services to creating a high-end streaming platform for users.
The platform relies heavily on ingesting video from thousands of Pixelot cameras set up sports facilities across North America. These cameras use artificial intelligence to follow the play of events and send the live stream to the backend.
The HomeTeam Live web app grabs live videos from AWS and serves them to clients in real-time to provide a seamless user experience for people across the world.